Growing up, we were told this was Poison Sumac. Turns out, this is Staghorn Sumac and practically the entire plant is editable (or at least, useful) in some form or another! We are lucky enough to have 4 or 5 of these growing in our yard and this year, we cut down...
Oyster Mushrooms in PA
Oyster mushrooms are an extremely common mushroom in western Pennsylvania and very easy to recognize. Keep your eye out for these tasty treats growing on a tree near you!
Day 1 – Erie to Iowa
All and all, day 1 was a very uneventful day. We drive 10.5 hours and probably made about 2.5 hours worth of stops including this amazing Vietnamese restaurant in Iowa. This place had tripe and tendon on the menu. I think that's leaning toward pretty damn...
Laurie Flew to Dallas – 5 Days of Survival
So my wife Laurie went on a trip to Dallas, TX and left me at home with my two sons, Harrington and Liam, and our three dogs, Tess (Beagle Mix), Wiggles (Poodle Mix), and Jake (Australian Shepard) and I was also dog sitting Luna, my Sarah and Alyson’s dog.
Tess at Cape May
Our poor dog Tess was not a huge fan of the beach at Cape May Point in New Jersey. You can see how reluctant she is to get near the water in this clip.